Calculated Variables
A calculated variable is a variable that is deduced from a user-provided value.
They do not appear in the template questionaire and therefore cannot be modified by the user.
Calculated template variables are managed in the context
file within the template:
{# Example: remote_url = #}
{# |----------------|---------|-----------------------| #}
{# domain group pages_path #}
{# |---------------------------------| #}
{# path #}
{# remote_url_https = #}
{# remote_url_pages = #}
{% set domain = (remote_url | replace("git@", "")).split(":")[0] %}
{% set path = remote_url.split(":")[1].replace(".git", "") %}
{% set group = path.split("/")[0] %}
{% set pages_path = "/".join(path.split("/")[1:]) %}
{% set remote_url_https = "https://" + domain + "/" + path %}
{% if remote == 'github' %}
{% set domain_pages = '' %}
{% set path_pipeline = '/actions?query=branch%3A' + default_branch %}
{% elif remote == 'gitlab-iis' %}
{% set domain_pages = domain %}
{% elif remote == 'gitlab-fhg' %}
{% set domain_pages = '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if remote.startswith('gitlab') %}
{% set path_pipeline = '/-/pipelines' %}
{% endif %}
{% set remote_url_pages = "https://" + group + "." + domain_pages + "/" + pages_path %}
{% set remote_url_pipeline = remote_url_https + path_pipeline %}
{% if remote == 'github' %}
{# coverage badge is provided by gitlab #}
## coverage badge is generated by github action and published on github pages
{% set remote_url_coverage_badge = remote_url_pages + '/badges/coverage.svg' %}
## pipeline badge is provided by github
{% set remote_url_pipeline_badge = remote_url_https + '/actions/workflows/ci.yaml/badge.svg' %}
{% else %}
## coverage and pipeline badges are provided by gitlab
{% set remote_url_coverage_badge = remote_url_https + '/badges/' + default_branch + '/coverage.svg' %}
{% set remote_url_pipeline_badge = remote_url_https + '/badges/' + default_branch + '/pipeline.svg' %}
{% endif %}
{% set cli_command = package_name | replace("_", "-") %}
This context can then be imported using the jinja import command.
As an example, this was used in the README template to reuse the remote_url_pages
and remote_url_https
URLs, which are calculated from the remote_url
provided by the user:
# {{project_name}}
{%- import 'template/context' as ctx with context %}
[![badge_documentation][]][documentation] [![badge_pipeline][]][pipeline] [![badge_coverage][]][coverage] [![badge_maintainability][]]()
[documentation]: {{ctx.remote_url_pages}}